Pilot Gene kneeling by me along with others from the shelter seeing me off.
My family is down there waiting for me.
I'm so happy.My Family!!!! The Dittmer. I'm so lucky. I have a little one to play with me :o)
Illinois Birddog Rescue would like to thank all those involved in saving one cute little dog in need, Chip. Although not an IBR dog, we did a courtsey post for his shelter, that was holding him. Because of our posting, he found his forever home through a very caring pilot, Gene Woods, who knew the perfect family for him. With Gene being a pilot himself, he volunteered to pick Chip up and take him all the way to his new family. It's people like this, who love dogs and have the passion to help secure a safe place, that Illinois Birddog Rescue, respects and honors all those pilots in this program. Working together, shelters, rescues and PilotNPaws we can do so much good. Thanks!
Nov 3, 2009
With Much Gratitude
Posted by Pat