Aug 14, 2009
The Benefactors of the Program
Pilots N Paws is a wonderful non-profit organization dedicated to transporting animals in need that have no ground transportation available to help them get to their destination. Illinois Birddog Rescue has had 5 dogs moved through their system with nothing less than professional and caring pilots along the way.
We can not express enough, the gratitude we have for these people who give their time and expense to do this for rescue and shelter groups across America.
Thank you.
DashOur newest flight member, Dash took to the air with ease with Pilot Allan at the controls.
Volunteer, Jodi and Dash checking things out.
We had the pleasure of tracking Ophelia's and Kenny's trip through pictures. Take a look and see just how comfortable they are during this strange and unfamiliar territory they embarked on.
CameronCameron was our first participant with this program.
I even got a window seat.
Waiting for my luggage while Pilot Mike unloads my bed.
Ophelia Pilot John and me waiting for my plane to arrive.
KennyPilot Jon and Co-Pilot/wife Patrice
Pilot Christian
Pilot John
Posted by Pat